100 days of TSCA FELLOWSHIP 2010/11 |
1. INTRODUCTION – At the reconvened Annual General Meeting held on 25 September 2010 a new committee of Management was elected unanimously. Your Committee is pleased to submit to you a performance report on first 100 days in office.
2. The following is a list of programs conducted during the first hundred days ( click on the photo to see an enlarged view );-
.1 Navarathri Celebration –
.2 Aged care system- Talk on healthy living
.3 Improving visibility and mobility – Talk & aids for healthy living
.6 Festival of Lights- Multicultural Celebration
.7 Diabetes workshop - Talk on healthy living
8 Yoga & meditation- Exercise for healthy living
.9 Amutha Surabi- Luncheon to promote fellowship
.11 Picnic at Olympic Park
.12 Christmas Celebration –
.13 Workshop on Hearing –
Talk on Healthy living
.14 Birthday Celebrations
15 .TRANSPORT EXPO – Information on Transport Accessibility
.17 Painting and Knitting Classes conducted to impart skills
3. Membership – On 25 September 2010 at the time of takeover by the current committee, the membership of the Association stood at 842. However of this number 262 members had not paid their subscription. Action has been taken to motivate 102 unpaid members to pay the arrears of subscription due in the last 100 days.
4. IDP REMITTANCE – Outstanding contribution by members for humanitarian cause to support our brothers and sisters in homeland displaced by the war has been remitted in full. A total sum of $2060 being outstanding contribution to Support elders was remitted to SIVAN ARUL ILLAM. This amount has been disbursed for the intended purpose.
5. Financial Management -
Your Committee was able to access grants amounting to $5500 during the 100days of operation. In addition applications have been lodged for several other grants to enable us to deliver to your expectations.
We wish to report that the expenditure of your Association has been very minimal due to grants and voluntary contribution by Members in cash and kind.
6. Physical Exercise – Services of a renowned Yoga Acharya with over 30 years experience from a reputable organization and backed by famous Guru lineage has been secured at no cost. About 50 members participate in Yoga and meditation classes conducted by your Association.
7. Communication with Membership- The following measures have been taken to communicate with membership on regular basis;-
.1 TSCA Website updated regularly
. 2 Electronic Mail - sent to members regularly on a Weekly basis
.3 Announcements made at Weekly meetings on Thursdays
4. Announcements made over Tamil language Radio network.
5. Continuous interaction with membership through
TSCA Blog, TSCA Journal and TSCA You Tubes
CONCLUSION- Your Committee as a team will work tirelessly to deliver services to improve fellowship of our membership through meetings, seminars, Workshops, Activities, Games, Excursions and continuous dialogue through a portfolio of communication channels. Members are kindly invited to participate actively in contributing to the delivery capacity and capability of our Association. Every member has a responsibility to building our Association. You can contribute by paying your subscription on time, accepting positions in the Committee, serving as volunteers in providing various services such as arrangement of the Hall, serving as volunteer drivers , providing transport to fragile members to attend meetings, celebrating your birthdays with fellow members, making suggestions on various initiatives that the Committee could undertake, imparting skills to membership etc. What TSCA can do for us in promoting our well being will depend on what every one of us, as individuals can do for the Association. We seek your continued guidance and support in celebrating our 20 years of fellowship in TSCA on 31 July 2011.
WISHING YOU merry christmas & HAPPY NEW YEAR